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Cortina Cartoccio, Ciotola Piegata in Vetro di Murano

Cortina Cartoccio, Ciotola Piegata in Vetro di Murano

239,00377,00 IVA Inclusa

Ciotola Piegata in Vetro di Murano
Il “cartoccio” è una forma particolare inventata da Yalos Murano, unico produttore di questo fantastico complemento d’arredo e da collezione.

Il design unico nel suo genere e il sapiente mix di colori rendono questa ciotola in vetro di Murano un bellissimo soprammobile o centrotavola per la tua casa.

Il fascino della madreperla nera e lucente e le note dell’avorio donano un fascino suadente e orientale.
Colore: Nero intarsio avorio, spirale nera + effetto madreperla

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Ti potrebbe inoltre piacere:

The portrayal of the products in the site is usually by photograph.

All the products are entirely handmade.

The unique features of the Yalos Murano products are given by working the glass by hand, therefore it is obvious that other products cannot be added or integrated after the sale without there being slight differences in colour, weight and decoration.

In fact, the minimum difference between the temperature for melting the glass and the outside temperature during all the production phases can create endless variations.

The company undertakes however to maintain the highest quality standards for all the products in the catalogue.

Origin mark that certifies glass products made in Murano island. ID number of Yalos Murano factory.


Origin mark that certifies glass products made in Murano island.
ID number of Yalos Murano factory.